Here's Why the Doctrine of Being 'Saved by Faith' Is a Heresy,' According to Josh McDowell
( May 21, 2017 8:52 am
[Comments within brackets from]
apologist, author and evangelist Josh McDowell said the doctrine of
being "saved by faith" that is being taught in many churches today is
utter heresy.
McDowell, speaking at a TV program, challenged the
popular doctrine, saying many preachers today teach "You're saved
by faith" when in fact, it's not true.
He said those who teach and believe that a person is saved by faith are practically a "cult."
"That's a cult. That's a sect," he said in a video recording [] of the TV program. "It's impossible to be saved by faith."
"One of the greatest heresies taught today is salvation by faith," he emphasized.
explained that if anybody can be saved by faith, then Jesus didn't have
to come because faith would have been enough. He also pointed out that
having faith does not save anybody, because if it did, almost everyone
would have been saved already.
[If this is true, then Jesus, John,
Paul, Luke and Peter are preaching heresy: Lk 7:50; Jn 1:12-13; 3:16; 5:24;
6:27-29, 47; 11:25-26; 20:31; Ro 1:16; 3:21-26; 4:1-9; 5:1; 10:11-14;
Eph 1:13-14; 2:8-9; Gal 3:6-9, 14, 22; Phil 3:9; 2 Thes 2:13; 1 Jn
5:1, 9-13; Acts 10:43; 13:38-39; 16:31; 1 Pet 1:3-5. For salvation is indicated in all of these passages and many, many more as solely by faith relative to what an
individual must do in order to have eternal life, (albeit it is all by the grace of God after one expresses a moment of faith alone in Christ alone which is either stipulated or implied.
Read what Jesus said:
(Lk 7:50 NASB) "And He [Jesus] said to the woman, 'Your faith has saved you; go in peace.' "
did not tell her that God's grace has saved you, did He? Albeit it is
implied because the woman did not deserve salvation, nor do anything
except to express a moment of faith alone in Christ alone. Is Jesus a
Furthermore, the phrase "if anybody can be saved by faith, then Jesus didn't have
to come because faith would have been enough"
does not make sense. Although Scripture teaches that anybody of
accountable age can be
saved by a single moment of faith alone in Jesus Christ alone which implies a moment of faith in Christ paying
. Otherwise why would
someone believe that Jesus Christ came to pay for
ones sins if He didn't come to do that at all? That does not make
[Note that those who are not accountable will be saved for
they have not the capacity to refuse to believe until they are
In any case Scripture teaches in dozens of places that a
moment of faith alone in Christ alone - faith in His propitiation for the sins
of the whole world, (1 Jn 2:2) - will indeed result in possession
forever of eternal life, (ref. Jn 3:16 and many other passages
). But since all men are born in sin including the attitude that they
don't have an accountability before God, then few will choose to
believe, despite the availability of salvation unto eternal life to all mankind via a
moment of faith alone in Christ alone BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY DID COME AND PAY FOR ALL OF MANKIND'S SINS, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
McDowell goes on to say, "If you could be saved by faith, you wouldn't need Jesus. Just build up your faith."
[These statements of Josh McDowell do
not make sense. The content of the faith according to Scripture, i.e., what one believes in
for salvation unto eternal life is to trust alone in Jesus Christ's
propitiation for ones sins alone,
- (propitiation defined as atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, ref. 1 Jn 2:2
). So if you could be saved by faith, and Scripture says so (and it defines the specific content of that faith, (ref.
1 Jn 2:2
and since the content of the faith requires Jesus' actual propitiation for
sins, i.e., in the sense of needing Jesus to provide payment for ones
sins, then how can Josh McDowell say, "you wouldn't need Jesus?"]
[Josh McDowell goes on to say]
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No. Does
it mean their sins are forgiven?" No. Does that mean they're gonna
spend eternity with Yahweh? No. But they have faith," he added.
[Again, nonsensical: "Everybody
I know in the world has faith."
Faith in what?????? Faith in Christ???? I don't think so. Every one in
the world believes something therefore he is a believer in something,
he has faith in something. But what does this have to do with the
subject at hand. The issue is what is the content of your faith. If it
matches what Scripture says you need to believe in, and you believe,
then you immediately have forever possession of eternal life because it
is eternal!!
. Scripture indicates that few will believe in Jesus and
make it to heaven - the path is narrow
, only a remnant
will believe in Jesus Christ's payment for their sins and be saved unto eternal life.
McDowell goes on to say rather quizzically, "Everybody
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No." This
too does not make sense. Everybody in the world believes in something.
Does this make them a believer?????? Yes, they believe something so
they are a believer. By they way, I believe that the world is a sphere.
That makes me a believer but it won't get me eternal life. What
nonsense. Sounds like his mind is impaired. If he intended to mean a
believer in Christ unto eternal life he did not so stipulate the content of what one must believe in order to have eternal life.
Nevertheless I still don't get what point
he is trying to make. It's all about the content of what you believe
that determines if you are a believer in Jesus Christ unto eternal
life. Just pick one of the many verses that determine the content of
what one must believe in order to have eternal life
"You can't be saved by faith. If you could be saved by faith, you don't need Jesus," he repeated.
These statements of Josh McDowell do
not make sense. The content of the faith according to Scripture, i.e., what one must believe in
for salvation unto eternal life is to trust alone in Jesus Christ's
propitiation for ones sins alone, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
). So if you could be saved by faith, and Scripture says so (and defines the specific content of that faith, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
), and since the content of the faith requires in the sense of needing Jesus to provide payment for ones sins, then how can Josh McDowell say, "you wouldn't need Jesus?"]
[Josh McDowell goes on to say] So how can anybody be saved exactly? How can a person be saved according to the Bible's definition of salvation?
"We are saved by grace, through
faith, not by faith. By grace through faith in Jesus," McDowell
explained. "It's not faith that saved us, it was the grace of God."
So at last we have a passage in Scripture to look at and determine its meaning.
A) [Eph 2:8-9]:
(Eph 2:8 NASB) "For by grace you are have been saved [lit. are having been saved] through faith; and that [salvation] is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
(Eph 2:9 NASB) not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Greek word "dia" in Eph 2:8 means "by" or "through" [faith]; so there
is no distinction in meaning anyway - both words "by" and "through"
mean the same thing. One is saved through / by / because of ones
expression of a moment of faith alone in Christ alone in the sense of
trusting in Christ's payment / propitiation for ones sins and by /
through / because of God's grace in making available a gift to the one
who believes in His Son of that salvation unto eternal life without
requiring anything meritorious in return to deserve that payment,
because grace = unmerited favor.
[Note what Jesus said to a woman whom He had forgiven of her sins]:
[Lk 7:50 NASB]:
(Lk 7:50 NASB) "And He [Jesus] said to the woman, 'Your faith has saved you; go in peace.' "
that the woman was saved thru / by - same word - faith. Implied in this
was the grace - unmerited favor - provision of forgiveness by / through
[Compare Acts 15:7-9 NASB]:
After there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them,
"Brethren, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you,
that by my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and
8 "And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He also did to us;
9 and He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith."
[So Scripture teaches that one has ones heart cleansed, i.e., one is saved unto eternal life by faith.]
[Compare Ro 3:28-30 NASB]:
28 "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.
29 Or is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also,
30 since indeed God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith is one."
to justify means to be declared Righteous by God unto salvation unto
eternal life
, then one is saved unto eternal life by faith which is
saying the same as to justify through faith.]
[Compare Romans 4:16 NASB]:
"For this reason it [justification unto a Righteousness of God unto
eternal life, i.e., salvation unto eternal life, ref. Ro 4:1-15] is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace,
so that the promise will be guaranteed to all the descendants, not only
to those who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of
Abraham, who is the father of us all,"
[Notice that justification, i.e., salvation unto eternal life is by faith]
[Romans 5:1-2 NASB]:
1 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
2 through Whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God."
Notice that we have been justified / saved by faith into this grace of God in which we stand by faith, i.e., as a result
of expressing a moment of faith in Christ for justification / salvation
unto eternal life. It is by grace in conjunction with faith we are
saved - they go hand in hand.
Nevertheless and despite what Scripture says, McDowell said "We are saved by grace, through
faith, not by faith. By grace through faith in Jesus," McDowell
explained. "It's not faith that saved us, it was the grace of God."
as if there is a great distinction between the words "by" and
"through;" the former McDowell maintains being all important, the
latter completely insignificant to his point that it was all about the
all important "by grace" which he
thinks is how we are saved outside of the faith in Christ that
one expresses, i.e., regardless of the insignificant faith that one
evidently expresses. So don't bother believing, just wait for the grace of God?????? This
is despite the fact that "by" and "through" essentially mean the
same thing - "dia" in the Greek rendered "through (faith)" in Eph 2:8 can mean
either. Check out your dictionary - Greek and English. So we are saved
by grace / through
grace; by faith / through faith together and even more if you consider that there are other essential things through which we are saved listed below***.
First comes the moment of faith alone in Christ's propitiation /
sacrifice for sins alone, whereupon God out of no obligation, man with no merit, God freely gives
eternal life to the individual who does not merit this in any way. Both
God's grace and man's faith are indispensable working together in an
individual's salvation unto eternal life, i.e., salvation unto eternal
life is not just by the grace of God, but also by / thru the expression
of a moment of faith by the man.
the way it is
either stipulated or implied that faith comes through / by the
expresssion of an individual's volition; which faith is by / through a
grace gift provided by / through God to that individual which comes
through / by the sovereign election of God through / by the individual
choosing of his own free will by / through the individual's
volition by / through God's decrees from the foundation of the
world; through / by God's drawing of the individual by / through that
choosing by / through ones own volition to believe in Jesus Christ's
provision of eternal life by / through His once for all payment for
sins, by / through His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins
committed by / through all mankind by / through the fact that an
individual exists in God's Creation in the first place and probably
more. All of these things are essential! I cannot be saved unless I
exist in the first place. All of these by's /
through's operate together by / through the Absolute Sovereignty of
God by / through the volition of the individual, et al; one not negating the
other but operating together - all are essential, none can be left out. Check for details.
It is interesting to note that implied in every
salvation verse is that one is saved by / through the grace of God whether stipulated or not; and that implied in every
salvation verse is that one is saved by / through faith.
For example, Jn 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His
one and only Son that whoever believes [lit., pas ho pisteuon, who ever
is the believing one] should never perish but have everlasting life."
Is not God's grace implied here? Is not faith stipulated here. For what
did one who believes in God giving
His one and only Son to pay the penalty for our sins have to do to make
the payment for ones sins or to afford the reception of eternal life?
Nothing. Yet the believing is essential to the reception of eternal
life, is it not? Albeit believing is
, but then this establishes that salvation unto eternal life is all of God His grace = unmerited favor. And so
it goes with every salvation passage
simple explanation was based on a fairly popular verse written by the
apostle Paul: 'For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this
is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8)
also said that a person's faith must be rooted in Christ. Faith that is
rooted in anything other than Christ does not save anyone, no matter
how strong that faith is.
[Good choice of passages. Why not add the rest of the verse as well, "not by works, so that no one can boast"
But then McDowell then ruins it by speaking nonsense once more with, "[McDowell
also said that] a person's faith must be rooted in Christ. Faith that is
rooted in anything other than Christ does not save anyone, no matter
how strong that faith is."
does rooted in Christ even mean? Are we speaking figuratively of being
like a tree root in order to convey permanently believing without
interruption in
Jesus Christ for eternal life? No where in the Bible does it indicate
that faith is otherwise placed relative to receiving the free gift of
eternal life but in Christ alone! Nor does our saving faith have to be
rooted in the
sense of ongoing 24/7 without fail or even near perfect and only rooted
in Christ. For there is nothing on this side of eternity that will be
perfect and righteous. Fortunately scripture teaches that it only takes
a moment of faith alone
in Christ
alone unto eternal life
to have permanent and forever possession of eternal life because eternal life is
eternal by definition regardless of whether or not the faith continues
or is interrupted, sporadic, placed somewhere else than in Christ, divided or even gone, etc.
"What Jesus did on the cross is death and burial for our sins, but it's by grace through faith in Jesus," he said.
[McDowell said, "What Jesus did on the cross is death and burial for our sins," [Amen,
but what about His resurrection????? Don't you think that that's
important??? And to what end did Jesus die on the cross: is it so that
one may choose to believe in His propitiation for ones sins and by that
have eternal life by the grace of God? "For God so loved the world that
He gave His one and only Son [for payment for the sins of all mankind] so that whoever [lit. ] is the believing one in that should not [ever] perish but have eternal life."]
Finally, Josh McDowell said "You
remove the "in Jesus," you can have all the faith you want in the world
about anything and you go straight to hell. You see, you can't be saved
by faith," he concluded.'''
is a complete change of context. The context / issue is whether or not
you can be saved by faith in Jesus Christ's payment for the sins of the
whole world, not any other content of faith. And Scripture answers a
resounding "Yes!" (ref. Eph 2:6-10 - the very passage you are citing). So your statement, "You
remove the "in Jesus," you can have all the faith you want in the world
about anything and you go straight to hell," is irrelevant - not part of the context! Again, the context is whether faith
in Jesus Christ's payment for the sins of the whole world," result
in salvation unto eternal life. Answer, that's what the Bible teaches
in many many places
. Of course any different content of faith will not result in salvation unto eternal life; but faith in Jesus Christ's payment for the sins of the whole world, will indeed.]
Note that previously Josh McDowell said "Everybody
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No. Does
it mean their sins are forgiven?" No. Does that mean they're gonna
spend eternity with Yahweh? No. But they have faith," he added."
[Again, nonsensical: "Everybody
I know in the world has faith."
Faith in what?????? Faith in Christ???? I don't think so. Every one in
the world believes something therefore he is a believer in something,
he has faith in something. But what does this have to do with the
subject at hand. The issue is what is the content of your faith. If it
matches what Scripture says you need to believe in, and you believe,
then you immediately have forever possession of eternal life because it
is eternal!!
. Scripture indicates that few will believe in Jesus and
make it to heaven - the path is narrow
, only a remnant
will believe in Jesus Christ's payment for their sins and be saved unto eternal life.
McDowell goes on to say rather quizzically, "Everybody
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No." This
too does not make sense. Everybody in the world believes in something.
Does this make them a believer?????? Yes, they believe something so
they are a believer. By they way, I believe that the world is a sphere.
That makes me a believer but it won't get me eternal life. What
nonsense. Sounds like his mind is impaired. If he intended to mean a
believer in Christ unto eternal life he did not so stipulate the content of what one must believe in order to have eternal life.
Nevertheless I still don't get what point
he is trying to make. It's all about the content of what you believe
that determines if you are a believer in Jesus Christ unto eternal
life. Just pick one of the many verses that determine the content of
what one must believe in order to have eternal life
"You can't be saved by faith. If you could be saved by faith, you don't need Jesus," he repeated.
These statements of Josh McDowell do
not make sense. The content of the faith according to Scripture, i.e., what one must believe in
for salvation unto eternal life is to trust alone in Jesus Christ's
propitiation for ones sins alone, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
). So if you could be saved by faith, and Scripture says so (and defines the specific content of that faith, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
), and since the content of the faith requires in the sense of needing Jesus to provide payment for ones sins, then how can Josh McDowell say, "you wouldn't need Jesus?"]
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No. Does
it mean their sins are forgiven?" No. Does that mean they're gonna
spend eternity with Yahweh? No. But they have faith," he added.
[Again, nonsensical: "Everybody
I know in the world has faith."
Faith in what?????? Faith in Christ???? I don't think so. Every one in
the world believes something therefore he is a believer in something,
he has faith in something. But what does this have to do with the
subject at hand. The issue is what is the content of your faith. If it
matches what Scripture says you need to believe in, and you believe,
then you immediately have forever possession of eternal life because it
is eternal!!
. Scripture indicates that few will believe in Jesus and
make it to heaven - the path is narrow
, only a remnant
will believe in Jesus Christ's payment for their sins and be saved unto eternal life.
McDowell goes on to say rather quizzically, "Everybody
I know in the world has faith. Does that make them a believer? No." This
too does not make sense. Everybody in the world believes in something.
Does this make them a believer?????? Yes, they believe something so
they are a believer. By they way, I believe that the world is a sphere.
That makes me a believer but it won't get me eternal life. What
nonsense. Sounds like his mind is impaired. If he intended to mean a
believer in Christ unto eternal life he did not so stipulate the content of what one must believe in order to have eternal life.
Nevertheless I still don't get what point
he is trying to make. It's all about the content of what you believe
that determines if you are a believer in Jesus Christ unto eternal
life. Just pick one of the many verses that determine the content of
what one must believe in order to have eternal life
"You can't be saved by faith. If you could be saved by faith, you don't need Jesus," he repeated.
These statements of Josh McDowell do
not make sense. The content of the faith according to Scripture, i.e., what one must believe in
for salvation unto eternal life is to trust alone in Jesus Christ's
propitiation for ones sins alone, (ref. Acts 16:30-31; 1 Jn 2:2
). So if you could be saved by faith, and Scripture says so (and defines the specific content of that faith, (ref. 1 Jn 2:2
), and since the content of the faith requires in the sense of needing Jesus to provide payment for ones sins, then how can Josh McDowell say, "you wouldn't need Jesus?"]
For a complete understanding of Eph 2:8-9 